Modern Feminine Alchemy 101

helps you see & overcome the many hidden roots

of chronic self-marginalization

Because ignoring the obstacles

& just blaming yourself doesn't work

You know what self care is,

but might not know how to make it happen!

  • If you want to be less stressed

  • If you want to know HOW to set better boundaries

  • If you want to learn a better way to deal with tough emotions

  • If you're tired of putting yourself last on the priority list

What Other Alchemists Have to Say...

What results can you expect?

These 30 mini-classes teach you to...

  • Recognize where hidden systems hold you back.

  • Recognize where hidden systems hold y back.ard in your life.

  • Effectively begin to reclaim your time, energy, and health.

Each class is only 5 minutes long!

Here are the topics we'll cover -

About Kaia Maeve

I've been traveling a path to reclaiming my own healthy balance in life, and finding out how to balance my brain, my body, my family, and my passions for over 17 years.

I've read thousands of books, and studied under at least 10 different teachers in intensive programs designed to peek behind the veil of systemic trauma, domination, violence, and control - to what's really keeping so many of us feeling stuck and disempowered.

After I had kids, and found myself expected to self-sacrifice to care for everyone around me, without knowing how to ask for, practice, or apply self-care to myself - I felt this huge gap of injustice and systemic discrimination against me as a woman.

I didn't want to go down the path of angry feminism, where I just blamed the systems around me.


I didn't want to swallow the poison the world was serving up to me with it's out-of-balance expectations of me either.

And I didn't want to fall down the rabbithole of addiction, numbing, and a growing feeling of resentment.

Especially towards the people who I loved - my children, and my husband.

This course, and the book that I'm working on that covers these topics in more depth, is to share what I found that helped me reclaim my own sovereignty and calm.

I teach you exactly how to start deconstructing the interalized patriarchy within yourself, and recognizing the places where you have massive power to change your own situation.

I share links to the many effective free practices and resources I've found along my own path.

And I can't wait to show you how to begin overcoming the hidden obstacles to self-care that we all face, so that you can reclaim your voice, your power, and your radiance.

Because I KNOW this is the time. The feminine in all of us, regardless of gender, is roaring back against systems of imbalance.

And I want to teach you how to access it and find your groove again.

Start MF Alchemy 101 today

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Modern Feminine Alchemy 101

helps you see & overcome

the many hidden roots

of chronic self-marginalization

Because ignoring the obstacles

& just blaming yourself

doesn't work

You know what self-care is,

but might not know

how to make it happen!

  • If you want to be less stressed?

  • If you want to know HOW to set better boundaries?

  • If you want to learn a better way to deal with tough emotions?

  • If you're tired of putting yourself last on the priority list?


What Other Alchemists Have to Say

What results can you expect?

These 30 mini-classes teach you to...

  • Recognize where hidden systems hold you back.

  • Recognize where hidden systems hold y back.ard in your life.

  • Effectively begin to reclaim your time, energy, and health.

Each class is only 5 minutes long!

Here are the topics we'll cover -

About Kaia Maeve

I've been traveling a path to reclaiming my own healthy balance in life, and finding out how to balance my brain, my body, my family, and my passions for over 17 years.

I've read thousands of books, and studied under at least 10 different teachers in intensive programs designed to peek behind the veil of systemic trauma, domination, violence, and control - to what's really keeping so many of us feeling stuck and disempowered.

After I had kids, and found myself expected to self-sacrifice to care for everyone around me, without knowing how to ask for, practice, or apply self-care to myself - I felt this huge gap of injustice and systemic discrimination against me as a woman.

I didn't want to go down the path of angry feminism, where I just blamed the systems around me.


I didn't want to swallow the poison the world was serving up to me with it's out-of-balance expectations of me either.

And I didn't want to fall down the rabbithole of addiction, numbing, and a growing feeling of resentment.

Especially towards the people who I loved - my children, and my husband.

This course, and the book that I'm working on that covers these topics in more depth, is to share what I found that helped me reclaim my own sovereignty and calm.

I teach you exactly how to start deconstructing the interalized patriarchy within yourself, and recognizing the places where you have massive power to change your own situation.

I share links to the many effective free practices and resources I've found along my own path.

And I can't wait to show you how to begin overcoming the hidden obstacles to self-care that we all face, so that you can reclaim your voice, your power, and your radiance.

Because I KNOW this is the time. The feminine in all of us, regardless of gender, is roaring back against systems of imbalance.

And I want to teach you how to access it and find your groove again.

Start MF Alchemy 101

Get instant access.


© 2024 Kaia Maeve Tingley

All Rights Reserved